Top Three SEO Tips for Launching a Successful Website

| Reading time: 3 min.

Are you launching or revamping your company’s website? Do you know what SEO is? Getting your website published to the web is one thing but…how do you get web searches to find it once it’s there?

That’s where knowing the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can come in handy!

In this article, we’ll give you the top three SEO tactics to utilize before the launch of your website; and not only are they are a great way to get started but they are cost-effective techniques as well!

The SEO Top 3

1. Analytics

The most successful SEO comes from the constant analysis of data from your website.

Using services like Google Analytics, FullStory, Optimizely, etc. you’ll be able to gather data about your web traffic and how to optimize it to increase the flow of web-searchers who find your site.

Setting up your data collection service is one of the most important processes of optimizing your website. Using the tools above you’ll be able to see which keywords, articles, or content on your website are bringing in the most traffic. Not to mention, services like Optimizely will also provide you with the ability to A/B test articles and messaging for your brand. That means you can see what wording gets you the most clicks on your site.

Constantly reviewing your analytics will help your content marketing team always keep your page at the top of the search list!

2. Keyword Optimization

One of the most ubiquitous parts of content marketing and launching a successful website comes from keyword optimization. This is the crux of why some websites are successful and others are not. If you execute keywords appropriately, you’ll be able to increase traffic to your website by using search-engine-optimized titling on all your websites.

Keyword optimization helps you bring traffic to your site by tagging/titling articles, blogs, and website content with keywords that users search frequently. Using services, such as

Kwfinder or UberSuggest can help in that process. Especially if you are just starting and you need to utilize long-tail keywords to bring traffic to your site.

It’s important for your marketing and website development teams to always check in on keyword analytics. As you can see in this image from UberSuggest, analytics for these terms change over time and you must be always checking in on older pages and articles on your website so that they are optimized for traffic flow, just as much as any new ones you create after you’ve published your website.

Top Three SEO Tips for Launching a Successful Website
Image: UberSuggest Keyword Search

3. Labeling and Tagging that Goes Beyond Your Page Titles

While a lot of marketing teams focus on optimizing titles with keywords, another crucial component of successful SEO use is making sure your images and other non-text contents are labeled with traffic-catching keywords. Creating labels for your images and downloadable content helps users searching for those exact resources find their way to your website.

Another key SEO tactic is creating alt-text for your images on your website. It not only makes your website more visible via search terms but also provides accessibility for users with disabilities. It’s a great way to make sure that your website is reaching every user that could benefit from what your company is offering.

That’s a Wrap!

If you use these three tips at your initial launch, you and your marketing team will be able to continually grow and optimize your site’s web traffic in the long term. We hope that you’ve learned a bit about using SEO to create a successful website launch and that it helps you and your company find success! Find out here about our capabilities! MKTDIRECTOR has been featured as one of the Best SEO Companies and as a Top Web Design Agencies of 2020.

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